The key step in the synthesis is the cyclization of α,β-unsaturated indolone in lewis acid The comformation of the reduction product of indole cyclic ketone ( 70) with NaBH_4 was described and their corresponding~ 1H-NMR and NOE spectra were explained. III. 描述了吲哚环酮(70)经NaBH4还原产物(84)的构型,并对其核磁共振及NOE作了解释。
The results show that the addition of cyclic iodonium salt to the usual ketone/ amine system mostly result in a increase of the rate of polymerization. -羟乙酯(HEA)-三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸酯(TMPTA)的自由基聚合,结果表明,向酮-胺体系中加入环状碘盐可大大加快聚合速度。
This paper reviewed the application of Arsenic reagent in organic synthesis, cyclic compound, unsatured aldehyde ketone 、 amide 、 related natural product 、 derivative of ethyleneamine. 综述了砷试剂在合成元素有机化合物,环状化合物,不饱和醛酮、酰胺以及有关的天然产物,烯胺的衍生物等方面的应用。
In the first part, Ring-Opening Polymerization of cyclic poly aryl ether ketone and its application in forming carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites have been investigated firstly. 在第一部分工作中,首先探索了环状聚芳醚酮开环聚合制备热塑性复合材料的方法。
Conclusion p-( Methanesulfonyl) styrene-linked cyclic ketone derivatives showed strong anti-inflammatory activity but few GI side effects and deserve to be further investigated. 结论对甲磺酰基苯乙烯环酬类衍生物的抗炎作用较强,GI不良反应小,值得进一步研究。
MS study of cyclic aryl ether ketone oligomers containing phenolphthalein moiety 含酚酞结构的聚芳醚酮环状齐聚物的激光质谱表征
The experiment results demonstrated that not only the reactivity of activated nitrile, but also the ring size of the aliphatic cyclic ketone and the chain length of the aliphatic branched chain ketone could influence the yield. 实验研究结果表明,反应底物脂肪环酮的环的大小以及脂肪支链酮的链长等因素都会对反应结果产生一定的影响。